Regional highlights - accessible to all
Acessible culture for everyone

Accessible culture for everyone

South Tyrol is not only characterized by a unique landscape, rich traditions and an extensive history - there is also a rich cultural offering. Museums, collections and cultural sites in South Tyrol are highly regarded in society. Alongside nature and the landscape, they are among the country's special features. Museums collect, preserve, research and communicate art, culture, nature and history.

There are also 2 provincial museums in Ratschings:

  • The Provincial Museum of Mining in Ridnaun
  • The Provincial Museum of Hunting and Fishing in Wolfsthurn Castle Mareit 

    Because culture as well as being active and relaxing should not be missing from any vacation stay, a generally accessible experience of our cultural facilities is our top priority.

    The correct communication of barrier-free facilities as well as their improvement and expansion are fundamental steps on the way to an all-encompassing cultural offering.

    The two provincial museums in Ridnaun and Mareit are equipped with barrier-free elements and are therefore accessible to all visitors.


“...I never thought I would get this far...”


- This is precisely why the right communication and information is so crucial.

You can find more information about your barrier-free cultural experience here.
