Alpine Pearls: naturally eco-friendly holidays

Holidays in the name of sustainability

Nature is best enjoyed without a car. As a member of Alpine Pearls, the Ridnaun-Ratschings-Jaufental holiday region has committed itself to offer green holidays. The aim is to protect the climate so that the unique natural landscape will be around for a long time to come.





About Alpine Pearls

Alpine Pearls is an international network of 19 selected destinations in the Alpine region for attractive, sustainable tourism. The focus of the Pearls is on future-oriented, climate-friendly mobility and its positive effects on a vacation in harmony with the environment. The preservation of the different lifestyles in the Alpine regions as well as the interaction with the local people are important principles.

There are already 5 hosts that have been declared Alpine Pearls members, find out more here!

Click here to read through more information!

Did you know?

With the activeCARD, you can reach your favourite destinations conveniently by bus and train in a sustainable way. Many museum admissions, mountain cable cars, and other offers are included. Here you will find unforgettable experiences in harmony with nature all year round!

Discover all the advantages of the activeCard!