Tennis court Stange/Stanghe

Tennisclub Ratschings ASV
Stange/Stanghe 1
39040 Ratschings/Racines
Recommended period
May, June, July, August, September, October

In the Stange sports zone, there are two well tended tennis courts at your disposal. For those who prefer to play without a partner, there is also a tennis wall.

On request also with floodlight.

Court reservation: online at or by phone +39 0472 755 026 (from 9 to 11 a.m.)

Description to arrive at destination

Coming from Sterzing, drive in the direction of Ratschingstal/Ridnauntal as far as the village of Stange.

Right next to the Stange sports zone (coming from Sterzing on the right-hand side of the road) there is a large car park which is available free of charg.
Public transport

By bus 319 (Sterzing-Ratschingstal) or 312 (Sterzing-Ridnauntal) from Sterzing to the bus stop in Stange/Stanghe

Detailed timetable information at
